706-446-0003 Contact@autistichealth.org

What We Are Doing

  • We partner with intervention researchers to develop, evaluate, and share results of interventions that autistic adults want to see researched and which contribute to improved mental health.
    • A suicide prevention study led by Dr. Brenna Maddox and Dr. Shari Jager-Hyman was selected for funding to address autistic suicide and involves AASET team members as collaborators. See the press release on this funding announcement from 8/5/2021 here!


  • Sharing Results Widely. We have shared the project results at over 20 venues and conferences.


  •  Our Mental Health Priorities are publicly available and published in the journal Autism.
    • Benevides TW, Shore SM, Palmer K, et al. Listening to the autistic voice: Mental health priorities to guide research and practice in autism from a stakeholder-driven project. Autism. 2020;24(4):822-833. doi:10.1177/1362361320908410 


  • Our systematic review on Health Interventions for Autistic Adults is also published and publicly available.
    • Benevides TW, Shore SM, Andresen M-L, et al. Interventions to address health outcomes among autistic adults: A systematic review. Autism. 2020;24(6):1345-1359. doi:10.1177/1362361320913664


  • Compensation. We heard that the compensation of autistic adults who engage in the research process was a priority area. We developed an Engagement and Compensation Guide for researchers and others to use.



  • Year 1 Meeting. Over 40 individuals, the majority whom were autistic adults, shared their views about involvement in the research process, and priorities for future research. Read our report below—there is a short Summary Report and a longer Report, complete with presentation powerpoints and information used in the meeting.


  • Fostering Engagement and Inclusion in all aspects of research and practice. The Project Leads recorded and fostered dialogue at the Association for University Centers on Disability (AUCD) and the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) Autism Town Hall event on February 10, 2018. We shared the message of meaningful inclusion of autistic adults in research and community programming, and the importance of language and fostering and focusing on autistic strengths. We promoted the findings from our Year 1 meeting related to developing trust.